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Allah’s camel 2

From the Blog tanveerrauf Please read now[image: images (1)] So Allah sent His messengers in every era to guide people of that particular time. Allah sent almost one million twenty four thousand messengers. A number of people demanded any messenger of Allah sent for them, to show them miracles. They thought that miracles will prove their identity of being the messenger. They thought that only messengers can show miracles. They said that only miracles could make them believe in oneness of Allah. The people of Samood bin Aad bin Erum bin Saam bin Nuh (peace be upon him) belonged to north and western areas of Saudi Arab. The people of Samood built separate palaces and huge houses for summer and winter in the mountains and the valley. They were a very rich nation. But they were very poor character wise. Tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6070281620059489515 Pakistani Blog Posts


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