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All Anchors Lost Dignity After Hamid Mir Episode

From the Blog pkhope Hamid Mir may have lost his blood and GEO may loose its license to broadcast, the truth is that all the anchors of talk shows irrespective of the channel have lost their credibility, dignity, esteem, and respect. That, and they themselves exposed themselves by siding with either party, validating their vested agendas and in some cases proving who their actual pay masters are. It was a Godsend golden chance for ARY News, Express News, Dunya News and other non-GEO channels as ISI and military threw their wrath and mighty anger onto GEO. After Hamid Mir attack, GEO tried to capitalize and tried to take military under its pressure just like it did with judiciary and political parties. It back fired, and everybody turned against them. Now we know that these channels are blood thipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6616068354428904579 Pakistani Blog Posts


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