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Commission Must Investigate Hamid Mir's Ties to Spies & Militants

From the Blog riazhaqAttempt on Hamid Mir's life has rightly drawn widespread outrage in Pakistan and around the world. It has to be condemned without reservations. Hamid Mir is reported have suspected that he was on Pakistani intelligence agency ISI's "hit list". Pakistani Journalist Hamid MirIn addition to raising serious questions about the role of the media and the ISI, the assassination attempt has also refreshed memories of journalist Saleem Shahzad's murder in 2011 for which ISI was blamed. Here are some of the questions that I would like to explore: *Questions:* 1. What is the relationship between Pakistani journalists and the various spy agencies, including the ISI, operating in Pakistan? 2. How do Pakistani journalists work with militants to cover multiple ongoing insurgencies in Pakistanpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Domex: A lesson of cleanliness but not purity

From the Blog periodicreflectionsAnother Domex ad is on air, equally disgusting as the previous one discussed here. This ad shows a childs toy dropped in a toilet, the mother picks it up with something so as to save her from touching the toilet and then throws the toy away. She expresses discomfort at the ordeal she has just […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 834176468098785521 Pakistani Blog Posts


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