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So I Wrote a Monologue…

From the Blog writes2escape *“**You* feel bad for me obviously, why else would you be here and – let me get this right – you’ll spend the rest of your evening talking about my issues with people, *“I don’t know what’s wrong with her”* and “*She just won’t listen to me!”* and I’ll sit here thinking that what I really want to do is throw a party with a huge banner that says, “Hey, maybe, you don’t really know me!” You’re just here because I haven’t been talking to you and you need to feel wanted– still waiting in this vague hope that something great will happen to your life, something that will make you feel whole, someone who will understand just how…fragile you are… You were the ink stains on my fingers, you were the pieces of a story that I was trying to write and I tried. The truth is I tried… so hard!pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7505295953296207378 Pakistani Blog Posts


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