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Note to Self

From the Blog shaistathinks As I turned 37 on April the 22nd, there were so many reasons to be thankful for, and it was such a humbling experience to see everyone making my day special for me. By this time, you also realize that those who want to stick around for you – will always do. Those who value your presence in their life, will remember your special day, with or without facebook! A birthday is probably the best time of the year when you are reminded of this quote: *They say the most wonderful places in the world to be in are: In someone’s thoughts, In someone’s prayers and In someone’s heart. We are lucky if we manage to be in all three at the same time!* Do not ever let go of your friends and loved ones who keep you in all three places at the same time! That’s special – and special is rare. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3070766411655504444 Pakistani Blog Posts


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