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GEO, ISI and the Failed Attempts

From the Blog aikbaat Institutionally more has happened in the last week than in the last whole year. And while the popular discourse is still fixated on the dichotomous questions of is it good or bad, we are ignoring a few facts in this whole saga. To start with, separate the incidents as they are not a whole. The attack on Hamid Mir was a grim reminder to what journalists have to go through to just do their job. It was part of a series of growing attacks on journalists that are beyond alarming. There are no two opinions about this matter and those who choose to ignore this as a serious issue are living in fool’s paradise. This was one incident that triggered a series of other events that have led us where we are. What followed was not journalism; it was something completely different. What folpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

How Annoying are you on Twitter?

From the Blog sychhpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6524169988854203608 Pakistani Blog Posts


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