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The New Look of Baba Bullay Shah(بابا بلھے شاہ رح) Shrine

From the Blog islamicspiritualismBaba Bullay Shah RA is one of the early but eminent Sufi souls of sub continent. His complete history can be read here. I would be going direct to the new look of his shrine. Auqaaf (Government department working for the shrines in Pakistan ) and the private donors have been able to construct a world class mosque and shrine of Baba Bullay Shah RA. Newly Constructed Mosque besides ShrineInside the shrine Sufi Sajjad Naqeebi and M Imtiaz Naqeebi At foot steps of shrine. To be noted that shrine of Baba Bullay Shah is situated in Kasur, Punjab, Pakistan. When ever I am going through something strange, I head towards Kasur, where I do go here. This is worth visiting shrine. Do not forget to whisper "Teray Ishq nachaya kr k thayya thayya" in the lobby of shrine. This is a feeling too pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8722614176092763612 Pakistani Blog Posts


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