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Calling Us Dollar Hungry and Fake Liberals

From the Blog pakteahouse *Raza Habib Raja* Raza Rumi, whom I consider a good friend, elder brother and a mentor, was attacked two days ago. He survived whereas his young driver, Mustafa could not make it. When it happens to a person known well to you and to whom you owe a lot, the incident becomes personal at many levels. Suddenly, you realize that words which are being written and spoken are not just a harmless exercise but entail life threatening consequences. And it also makes you realize that in this country- where ironically you are mocked at by titles like “Pseudo Liberal”, “Fake Liberal”, “Dollar Khor”, “Indian and US Agents”- you are always risking your life and despite the risk, continue to be mocked by our sick urban middleclass. And Raza Rumi was risking his life daily and yet I know frompakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2531736285025493529 Pakistani Blog Posts


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