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" غور طلاب باتیں "

From the Blog universe-zeeno* منجانب فکرستان* *٭:*ایک طرف تو مذاکرات جاری ہیں تو دوسری جانب اخباری خبر کے مطابق دہشت گردی خطرات کے پیشِ نظر قائدِ اعظم،علامہ اقبال کے مزارات اور مینارِ پاکستان عوام کیلئے بند کردیے گئے ہیں۔۔ *٭:*محترم اثرچوہان صاحب کہتے ہیں:"مولانا فضل الرحمان کے والدمولانا مُفتی محمود صاحب نے آغا شورش کاشمیری مرحوم کے گھر ڈاکٹر مجید نظامی صاحب کی موجودگی میں کہا تھا کہ : '' *خُدا* کا شُکر ہے کہ ہم پاکستان بنانے کے گُناہ میں شامِل نہیں تھے'' *٭ :*محترم مستنصر حُسین تارڑ خشونت سنگھ کی مغفرت کے بارے میں کہتے ہیں کہ: " خشونت سنگھ کی مغفرت کہاں ہونی ہے "۔۔۔ محترم مستنصر حُسین تارڑ دانشور کہلاتے ہیں اُنکا کا اسطرح کہنا کہاں تک صحیح ہے ؟؟؟ جملے پر غور کریں *٭*محترم اسد مفتی صاحب کہتے ہیں"معلومات اور علم کے فرق کو نظرانداز نہیں کیا جا سکتا۔محض معلومات سے شخصیت کے جوہر نہیں کھلتے،علم کےحصول pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Why Working for SMEs can be Challenging?

From the Blog hammadsiddiquiblog Working for SMEs can be challenging. Their financial constraints and lack of management capacity often results in frustrated staff. This frustration reduces staff's ability to deliver effectively. Recently I received an inbox from a frustrated person who was appointed as an imports manager in a small trading company. After joining, in addition to managing imports, [...] The post Why Working for SMEs can be Challenging? appeared first on Career Guru. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Capitalism n' stuff

From the Blog angrypakistaniblogger *This is a guest post by Tristan Ryan.* Growing up, I used to admire this lovely canopy that was across the road from my house. The mixture of pine and oak trees was beautiful and made one feel at peace when they gazed at it. The scenery within a mile of my house had a similar effect on the soul. The wildlife of East Texas redeems it from the cesspool of backwards, offensive people and backwards, offensive views. The wood was plentiful, and it was only a matter of time until someone's greedy eyes saw the money in the trees instead of the beauty in it. It was sad to see the canopy and some of the other trees go, annoying to hear the machines early in the morning, and unpleasing to look at the desolation where the canopy once flourished. To top it all off, one of the rednecks pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 336567821093551954 Pakistani Blog Posts


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