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From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesThis weekend has been crazy. It was super sunny and really hot on Saturday but then it rained on Sunday and it's gotten chilly again. The rain has been quite constant. I WONDER IF ANYONE NOTICED THE CHANGES I DID ON THE BLOG. It's got a Dalek! I've even downloaded several Doctor Who themed wallpapers, which I could share in another post. C: Anyway, on Sunday, we went to my grandmother's place and there my grandmother was like, "When's Kanra going to start covering fully?" Me: Jab bhi (Whenever) Her: Jaldi (in a bit) ? That's good. Me: No, I said jab bhi. Her: Well you should start now, when're you planning to do it? Me: Not now. Cause I was like NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE the entire time cause I just felt like it. I mean, I was thinking about starting covering fully in the summer or in Rampakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Shatter the silence

From the Blog mystutteringlifeSome people spend a lot of time thinking about what will happen when they die. It is not like your life is making an impact right now, not like people are searching high and low for you right now. If your existence is just as silent as your death will be, then what is the…pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2605879476419923237 Pakistani Blog Posts


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