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Dr. D. Latifa – Normative Islam

From the Blog pakteahouse Academic, psychologist and feminist. It’s never nice to use short labels for uncategorizable people like Dr. D. Latifa, but it sets the tone. For a long time she was the director of an important research program in a Pakistani university. These days, however, she mainly focuses on her work as a psychologist and a center for the study of gender and culture. If she had to place herself within a certain strand of Western psychology it would be Jungian psychology, although she can be quite critical about the Jungian approach as well. In fact, being critical is a quite general aspect of Dr. Latifa’s character – which is something I always appreciate. As such, instead of just having a chat of an hour or two, I ended up spending three days with her, discussing various topics related tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Are Bonds Smart Investments

From the Blog dailylahorepostWhy Bonds are Best Investments for Baby Boomers With several hundred baby boomers nearing retirement in the coming years, there is much fear about how much strain the social security system can bear. Many analysts predict that when all of these retirees come to depend on social security to meet their post retirement living expenses, the entire system may collapse. It cannot be said with certainty that social security is doomed, but it is clear that in the near future, Americans may get a much smaller percentage as social security than at present. This might force many to experience financial distress and search for a borrowing option suitable for applicants with poor credit. What is certain is that retirees can no longer depend entirely on Uncle Sam for their post retirement lpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6915577295513524891 Pakistani Blog Posts


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