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'The third resource being the lemons

From the Blog hassanqadeerbuttSo I was at All Pakistan Intercollegiate Convention for Story Writers held at KEMU Lahore. There was a panel discussion comprising of popular Pakistani writers such as Musharruf Ali Farouqi and Tanzeela Shah.Scribed a few notes and thought I had share them with all the aspiring writers out there. 'There are two resources you need to write a story. These are your hands and your mind that is your imagination. Luckily, I had a third resource too. LEMONS! So what do you do when life hands you over with lemons? You make lemonades! And I created stories. So with my hands,my imagination and the third resource being the lemons, I became a short story writer!' were the words of Tanzila Shah, when asked how did she become a writer. When asked for advice for the short story writers,anothepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4478299984501411923 Pakistani Blog Posts


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