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“Art for art’s sake is fine, but with a social consciousness it’s even better” – Nandita Das

From the Blog beenasarwar [image: IMG_5338-Nandita] *I met Nandita Das for the first time at the World Social Forum in Mumbai, 2004, introduced by our mutual friend, the activist Shabnam Hashmi, sister of the late Safdar Hashmi. Since then I have caught up with Nandita several times, most recently at Brown University in Providence where she talked about her life and work. Here’s my article about her for The News on Sunday - it includes bits they had to delete due to space constraints.* *The Das difference* *By Beena Sarwar* It was a street play about a dowry death. Afterwards, the women at the Delhi slum where Safdar Hashmi’s street theatre group Jan Natya Manch was performing, came up to the young actress who had played the dowry victim. “They kept touching me to make sure I was okay,” she rememberspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6883881874079965976 Pakistani Blog Posts


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