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HBL & Warid Signs Agreement for Future OnlineBill Payment

From the Blog telecomnewspk HBL, Pakistan’s largest Bank, recently signed an agreement with Warid Telecom, Pakistan’s most trusted service provider to implement an online payment solution. [image: HBL & Warid Signs Agreement for Future OnlineBill Payment] Once implemented, the solution will allow Warid’s customers to pay their postpaid bills on Warid’s website, using any debit card or credit card. The technology back-end of the system will be provided by CyberSource, Visa’s internet acquiring payments system. Faiq Sadiq, Head Payment Services said ‘This is the first of its kind solution in Pakistan that ensures secure online payments and convenience for customers. This new online payment solution is keeping in line with our commitment to provide convenient banking services to our customers.” Mr. Suhail pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5132917315631664089 Pakistani Blog Posts


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