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Just A Question

From the Blog blog My Mother always told me that if I can study for 1.5 hours every day, then I would be a top ace in school. I wouldn’t have to work extra hard near the exams. I wish I had listened to her then. Imagine doing something, everyday, for 90 minutes max. Where will you be six months later? A year later? Done over a long period of time, that 1.5 hours daily adds up. For example: - You can memorize about 6 *siparas* of the Quran in one year if you were to give 1.5 hours per day to it. - You can be at your peak physical form (six pack abs included!) within 6 months, if you give 1.5 hours to exercising your body. - You can write more than three books of 100,000 words each in one year, if you can write every day for 1.5 hours. - Jack LaLanne, considered the* Fatherpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2259150558323036477 Pakistani Blog Posts


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