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Pro-Modi Indian-American Enters Silicon Valley Congressional Race

From the Blog riazhaqUS Congressional election in Silicon Valley this year was being seen as a two-person race between incumbent Congressman Mike Honda (Democrat) and his main challenger Rohit "Ro" Khanna (Democrat) until recently. *Vanilla Singh:* It all changed when Dr. Vanilla Mathur Singh (Republican), a member of Hindu American Foundation (HAF), entered the race in December 2013. The HAF first made headlines in 2005 with its failed attempt in California state to "improve 6th grade textbooks so that these books actually reflect their (Hindu) beliefs and their religious practices." Vanilla Singh and Mike Honda Media reports indicate that Singh was recruited to run by Shalabh "Shalli" Kumar, a Chicago-based Indian-American businessman and Republican fundraiser. Kumar is the founder of a super PAC,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9046064931737386796 Pakistani Blog Posts


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