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Internal Unrest in context of Sufism

From the Blog islamicspiritualismThis is a bipolar world. The good is always chased by the evil. So this is something ultimate that when ever some one starts something positive, he does come across such feelings. These are constructive feelings if observed, understood and handled with proper working. Making things optimistic is always an uphill task. And especially for some one following the Sufi traits, this makes things even worse. Because at that opposing forces are always powerful. This is because of the fact that hurdles have been introduced just for the sake of strength and for getting to the destination. These hurdles are positive, a source of power as stated by Q U Shahab RA. But at times, internal unrest is so much powerful that one can't even figure it out what all is happening to him in front of andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

People Like Us.

From the Blog insanitation-bubble-attackI would like to begin with giving this outline of how much I'd love to see my favourite movies all over again. Whenever I think about re-watching those amazing movies, I mostly get this urge to re-watch those *British *tales. But above all its my all time Anne's & Jim's *One Day, (*also *Bridget Jones series *to fish away my blues). If you have not watched this, close this tab right now and go watch. Literally at least the trailers. I don't know how that movie brings me to this solaced self. No wonder why my mind's humming *one republic's good life *in this instance. I have lectured you with enough entertainment now shall I begin? Yes you can Ayesh. People-human beings in general or considered collectively. That is a pretty nice definition none has ever contradicted, just so amazpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5296596408404652572 Pakistani Blog Posts


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