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EU Model and Pakistan – India Peace

From the Blog firewithin-jhb *By Brig Nadir Mir* Pakistan and India need peace. However the much quoted EU Model does not apply in the Pakistan – India context. The historical perspective, Geopolitics and national aspirations are radically divergent. *The EU Model* Present day European Union evolved out of old Europe. Europe for all its diversity had basic commonalities. The concept of unifying Europe was an old dream. The old Europe was not only conquered by force but also interwoven by Royal marriages. The ideals of the French Revolution, followed by others, spread into the length and breadth of Europe. Napoleon and Hitler both had attempted on a grand scale to unify Europe by force but failed. EU evolved since the Europeans (for all their diversity) had one faith Christianity, one white race or the hpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Nail polish wonders but not on nails ;-)

From the Blog imanailartHey guys I'm sorry again, as usual for nor updating the blog. A new year with a bombardment of tests :'( Any ways but I'm back and I'll be more regular on my Facebook page now too ;-) For today's post, I actually got a new phone and I absolutely love those pretty colorful phone covers (who doesn't?? <3) So I thought to do some DIY phone cover post with nail polish :-D I bought a white flip cover and to be on the safe side I painted the flip rather the back and here's how it turned out :-D I did the the popular aztec or tribal print using my nail art brushes and polishes. After drying I pasted a screen protector on it to give a smooth feel ;-) Inspired by Hope you guys liked it ...don'tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 850814568282059329 Pakistani Blog Posts


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