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January Favourites

From the Blog pyaribeauty[image: January Favourites 2014] Can you believe that we're already into the second month of 2014?! It seems like only yesterday it was January 2013. I thought I would make an effort this year to share my monthly favourites, so when it comes to the end of the year it's easier to see just exactly what I've been loving throughout the year. So without further ado let me talk you through just what exactly I have been loving in January. Palmer's Olive Butter Formula Concentrated Cream* (£2.25) *In case you missed my *Top 5 Body Moisturisers* or my recent *Products All Used Up*post, let me refresh your memory of why I love this cream so much. I'm sure everyone agrees that having rough/dry feet isn't attractive or particularly nice. So if you suffer with that problem, this cream is a lipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2861190996192915485 Pakistani Blog Posts


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