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PIYA RANG KALA (پیا رنگ کالا) : A Worth Reading Travelogue

From the Blog islamicspiritualismYesterday I was suffering from flu and sour throat so I had to quit my office at 2pm sharp. There was nothing left to kill the time. Perhaps this is the time when inner self of you makes things a bit nostalgic. Lying on bed, listening old Saraiki music brought me to the loneliness of nature and barren traits of my self where I could find peace. This brought me to* Piya Rang Kala.* Although two of my friends Jia and Ali Arfat had already recommended this book to me but couldn't get time to read. This was the ideal time to go for it and I took the chance. Starting this book was the moment I remember, but what all I came across after words, I don't. This is something bewitching about this book. I am not some literary tycoon, so I can't comment about literary aspects of this book. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog insanitation-bubble-attackTo hanker is to yearn. As humans we yearn for a lot. We yearn for forever happiness, friends, the right times for the right future. These days I see some yearn for 'oh my gosh' the dreamy *Harvey* love, the scores in life, the best for our best soccer teams, the best for our families, the impatience to walk through the corridors of some well acclaimed red bricked *English* building in winter breezes of a university we stalk over websites and above all to make it happen what we dream of. To let all our goals in one basket, load them on a lorry and go an accomplishing them to the ends of beautiful and notorious corners of the world. We yearn for the life we dream of, we yearn for the expectations that we expect and for the constellation of hopes. I can't sum up all that we desire, pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7396914467090570712 Pakistani Blog Posts


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