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AdMail Connection Magazine, PU Department of Press & Publications, Allied Bank (F 8 Markaz) and more in Paktive Magazine's latest issue! (#26214)

From the Blog paktiveWelcome to the latest edition of Paktive Magazine! (Edition # 25214) In this issue: What's up in Paktive's Karachi - AdMail Connection Magazine - A Business (Corporate) in Karachi. - PCs & Network Solutions - A Business (Retail / Sales / Service) in Karachi. - Sabir Traders - A Business (Retail / Sales / Service) in Karachi. - Beaconhouse School (KG 2 Gulshan) - A Service (Educational / Institutional / Govt) in Karachi. - Pakistan Medical Association - A Service (Educational / Institutional / Govt) in Karachi. What's hot in Paktive's Lahore - PU Department of Press & Publications - A Service (Educational / Institutional / Govt) in Lahore. - Federal Govt Degree College No 1 - A Service (Educational / Institutional / Govt) in Lahore. - Copakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Asad Umar's poor economics - a friend's blog

From the Blog NotesFromPakistanHere is one post from Shahid Mehmood's blog: I was recently forwarded Asad Umar’s two part article on the subject of privatization (which appeared in the NEWS) of public sector enterprises (PSE’s). It is a continuation of the debate that has been generated in lieu of the government’s decision to privatize a specific percentage of these bleeders. Aside from a few positive suggestions over the methodology and how the intended sale should be carried out, the article was a reflection of the author’s poor understanding of factors that affect the economy and its working, especially in the context of Pakistan. In short, Asad Umar showed a poor grasp of basic economics. Let’s start with his question that why are profit making enterprises like OGDCL beipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

They both died.

From the Blog randomlyabstract [image: Deadfishes_ra]And it took just two days. Two days ago had my younger brother bought them enthusiastically, today he informed me sadly of their death. I hadn’t even had time to appreciate their presence, like it happens, and they’re no more among the swimming… Filed under: 2014 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Update your iOS and OS X NOW!

From the Blog naswarville Apple has finally released big fixes for both the iOS and OS X for a big security issue with SSL transactions. All you need to know is you should have your iOS updated to 7.0.6 and OS X (Maverick) to 10.9.2 IMMEDIATELY or you risk losing any confidential information you are entering like bank passwords, credit card numbers etc. The post Update your iOS and OS X NOW! appeared first on Naswarville. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

A killer with morality – Short tale of a Murder Investigation

From the Blog dholsipahi Not long ago, a dead body was found in our jurisdiction, dumped in woods near to a road that is usually desolated in dark – A typical rural area. It was primarily assumed that this poor guy was a Cab (taxi) driver, who was hired and then murdered for intentional possession of his vehicle. Cause of death was strangulation. I was pretty convinced this may never be solved. Couple of weeks later both murderers were caught. This was indeed a pleasant for Police officers. Nobody want’s a blind murder case on their plate. As both suspects were brought in for Investigation. I left my table and ran outside to watch the fun part. Kidding aside. At first glance on both of them I was convinced that Police has caught the actual murderers. I mean they just had this sick devilish look. Both pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1744009972212186766 Pakistani Blog Posts


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