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Guessing game

From the blog mtrtmk Can you guess the rule before the video gives the answer? pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Art of Losing Your Mind

From the blog gollgappayWednesday is my least favorite day of the week. You have successfully traversed two days of the workweek, but there are still two *whole days *looming ahead. Like most Wednesdays, today was marked by a normal headache exacerbated by virtue of starting work really early in the morning on poor-quality sleep for the third day in a row. Effectively, I function on half the normal brain power I usually have on this wretched day in the middle of the week. I have demonstrated this spectacularly in the past, like telling a co-worker about her surprise farewell cake in front of the whole lab. Revealing which central character died in a popular show when a co-worker had explicitly told me he had not seen that particular episode - this happened without any provocation, or even the slightest pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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