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The nightmare must end – my op-ed in Dawn, 2009

From the Blog beenasarwar[image: Zahoor: Taliban and the media, The Frontier Post, June 2008] Zahoor: Taliban and the media, in The Frontier Post, June 2008 *Those who justify the Taliban uprising in Pakistan as an anti-imperialist movement forget that since the Taliban first swept into Afghanistan in 1996 (with the blessings of the Pakistani establishment), they have been a threat to women, pluralism and democracy in the region. Their oppressive order in Afghanistan pre-dates the American invasion of Iraq, bombing of Afghanistan, and drone attacks in Pakistan -- from an article I wrote in Dawn, 2009. Came across it again while searching for something else. Read it, and tell me, what has changed? * *By Beena Sarwar, Feb 7, 2009 * OF the many challenges Pakistan’s elected government faces perhaps the mospakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Daily supplication x10

From the Blog ashrafiya [image: dua] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4871566980974682554 Pakistani Blog Posts


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