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Fake Facebook Likes, by Facebook, Inc.

From the Blog faisalkhan [image: Face Facebook Likes Fraud] I’ve been very suspicious of all the campaigns that companies, people and events do on Facebook, promoting the number of *Likes* they have. Running a small business on Facebook myself, I too discovered lots of *fake *Facebook Likes for my small business Art | Paper | Form. I’ve always wondered how the heck does someone accumulate so many Likes. For example, 14th Street Pizza: 1.152 Million Likes. I doubt 14th Street Pizza has served so many unique customers. Even divided by a factor of 6, this would mean 250,000 unique customers who get the Pizza Delivered. Please excuse me while I cough! (am allergic to bullshit). [image: 14th Street Pizza Facebook Page] Ginsoy Extreme Chinese has 81,000 Likes. I know this number is wrong, for I saw it climpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4853403898934656141 Pakistani Blog Posts


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