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Android on Nokia, my dream come true!

From the Blog basitali [image: Nokia X] I always wanted Nokia phones to run Android OS. Here comes the day when the dream comes true. Now begins an era of Nokia’s hardware strength and Android’s OS marvel to work together and the phones will soon be in the hands of end users (yes you). While Nokia is trying to keep themselves as far as possible from Google services for obvious reasons, this does not mean the users, developers and even phone sellers have anything to loose here. This is an amazing development where Nokia is trying to help drive more and more users to Microsoft services including Skype and Sky Drive (recently renamed to OneDrive) using Google’s Android OS. So if you are a grumpy Nokia users and a loyal customer, grab a Nokia X phone in near future and I’m sure you’ll have way bettpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

“Forget academic – what about basic freedom?”

From the Blog mtrtmk “I risked imprisonment and death in order to study at Washington University…” I risked imprisonment by Israel and death to study in the United States pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 594627998473009450 Pakistani Blog Posts


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