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From the Blog naswarville [image: 8 rules of receiving gifts everyone must know] image courtesy asenat29 How often do you find yourself stuck in that awkward moment where you have received an unexpected gift and just aren’t sure if you should open it immediately or leave it for later?! Sometimes the simple “thank you” can seem like the hardest thing to say coz you mind believes you should actually give an oscar speech and no amount of words that come to your mind seem to do justice. Well now, things don’t have to be so hard! Overtime I’ve compiled a small list of “Receiving gifts” by observing people around me whose grace made it look like they had just dropped from heaven! So, should you open a gift immediately? It all depends on the situation. Read on my 8 rules of receiving gifts everyone must know pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 942462862563512971 Pakistani Blog Posts


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