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5 Mascara tricks to beautiful lashes

From the Blog thebrunettehead Ever wonder how your favourite beauty gurus rock absolutely VUH-LUMINOUS lashes which they claim to be their own and not fake? Now who doesn't love long, thick, luscious lashes? Not all of us can afford Yves Saint Lauren, M.A.C. and Nars right. A little bit of human effort can work wonders. Follow these tips and you'll definitely be good to go! *1. Keep you magic wands clean ladies!* Do you ever dwell searching for the truth, wonder why the mascara that used to be so close to your heart giving you a clumpy mess? I know many of you are frantically nodding in agreement! Here's the error. You buy a mascara, fall in love with it apply it every other hour and after a period of continuous usage it starts growing over your nerves. You miss the PERFECT lashes it used to give you. The tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5855975429340749003 Pakistani Blog Posts


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