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7th Mobilink 18-Hole Golf Tournament Concludes in Islamabad

From the Blog telecomnewspk “Mobilink will continue to create opportunities that encourage a healthy and participative life style’ – Azfar Manzoor, Vice President Business Service, Mobilink” The 7th Mobilink Golf Tournament 2014 was held at the Islamabad Golf Club. The tournament witnessed participation from distinguished customers and the top management of Mobilink. Prizes were distributed among the winners and outstanding performers. [image: 7th Mobilink 18-Hole Golf Tournament Concludes in Islamabad] The one day tourney in Islamabad concluded the 7th consecutive series of nationwide tournaments. The Islamabad leg of the competition attracted over 110 amateur golfers. The Mobilink Golf Tournament has been one of the premier amateur golf events of Pakistan over the last seven years, and continues to atpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8551552730776115634 Pakistani Blog Posts


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