3D Mobile Prototype by Google Ships Out
From the blog telecompk Over the past few years, mobile technology and technology as a whole has rapidly improved. We now have smartphones, powerful tablets, and many other great technologies that we could have not even imagined a few years back. Still what is astonishing is that we all live in a 3D world and yet are smartphones are only smart enough to see our world in just 2 dimensions. Apparently, Google has been working to resolve this issues as well. They have recently sent out around 200 prototype 3D mobile devices to different companies as a part of a Software Development Kit. The Advanced Technology & Projects (ATAP) unit at Google worked with various institution to develop this 3D Mobile device. This was the part of a Project called Project Tango. It has a totally customized software and harpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
From the blog usmanbinahmedMemories of lighter days the seasons and years so quickly change life is but a heartbeat upon eternity before death the imposter appears to take everything still this is a lovely game and the special ones yet live on so long as the memories remainFiled under: Poetry Tagged: Death, eternity, heartbeat, memories, seasons, special ones Continue reading »pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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