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Why Urdu Numerals Are Difficult for Pakistani Students?

From the Blog pkhope 'Ginti' or ' numbers' or numerals in the Urdu language are kind of nightmare for the Pakistani students as they struggle to speak 39,59,69,79,89,67 and many others. Their sounds are entirely different. The prime reason why Urdu 'ginti' for Pakistani students in schools and colleges is difficult to grasp is because of straightforwardness and ease of English language numerals. English language numerals are uniform and once you master numbers from 0 to 19, you have mastered almost all the numbers. There doesn't remain much to be struggle about. In Urdu, things only improve after 100. Teachers and parents encourage and feel pride if their kids learn English, so Urdu keeps getting neglected, and students find it easy to just leave the Urdu numerals aside. Ignoring the Urdu numerpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

What would you say?

From the Blog bleedingdopeHello. ::waves awkwardly:: Let me formally reintroduce myself for those of you who have forsaken me (just like I had forsaken my blog), and have forgotten my name. My name is Mashhood, and I hail from Bahawalpur. Twenty three years of age, and I … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5253635217257096688 Pakistani Blog Posts


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