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Johnny Rockets Fixes Its Typo

From the Blog nubealsOne of the major issues that digital agencies face today is the prehistoric concept of 'media buying' which is always done in 'bulk' to save costs. While that may be true for traditional media, new media really doesn't work that way. Here in Pakistan, you will see that most brands tend to allocate their digital channels' management to one digital agency and media buying to another, which just doesn't make *any* sense. That's like going to get your car washed from one service station and windows wiped by another! It's preposterous! So here's one example to highlight the disconnect such an arrangement may cause: Johnny Rockets' media spend has been massive, ever since their launch. They've gone above and below the line and they've also gone digital. Sources tell me that, like Mobpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Children’s United Anthem

From the Blog tanveerrauf Children’s United Anthem [image: 9531143] They’re Chinese, you’re Afghani We’re Africans, they’re Pakistani; Say we’re all brothers! O’ people! Listen to us The world is our home; Say we’re all brothers! This entire home’s beloved Threshold, doors, cupboard; Say we’re all brothers! Mountains, oceans, rivers all Seas, lagoons, ponds, waterfall; Say we’re all brothers! Valleys, meadow, fields desert They’re ours and we go with them; Say we’re all brothers! We’re envoy of love and peace Wars and conflict are disease; Say we’re all brothers! When will they take in, our saying? The ones who’re illogical unpitying; Say we’re all brothers! We’ll widen the scent of knowledge Create vigilance of helpful knowledge; Say we’re all brothers! All signs of hatred will die oupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 40821295091766163 Pakistani Blog Posts


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