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Love Happens

From the Blog beanbagtalesWhen we fall in love, the scenery around us changes from bright colors and defined forms into fuzzy Instagram pictures. I experienced life the Instagram way when I met my husband in Dec 2008. From the very first interaction, everything around me assumed hues of warm, endearing colors. Our courtship just lasted three months which, as my friend assured me the other day, was enough to lend excitement to my otherwise regular arranged marriage story. I've been struggling to write about love. What made me believe, in a matter of a few weeks, that my husband was the one? Besides the common interests, love for books & theatre, what made me so sure that this person will keep me happy for the rest of my life? That he'll take care of my needs and support me in every way? That he'll be ablepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5026791662854516710 Pakistani Blog Posts


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