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From the Blog tahiralipak *“ The day we see the truth and cease to speak, is the day we begin to die”. ** Martin Luther King* *General* 1. On 2 May 2011, US Navy Seals sneaked into Pakistani territory in helicopters and launched a raid on one of the houses in Abbotabad where OBL was supposedly residing, killed him and took his body across to Afghanistan before the Pakistani forces could react. While most of the Pakistanis felt betrayed and enraged by this display of unilateralism by the USA, a state of disillusionment set in over inability of the Pakistani security forces to timely react and counter the intruders. The international community also started to wonder how the world’s most wanted terrorist managed to evapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

por card for afghan refugees 2014 2015 Registration Forms

From the Blog pkhope All the Afghan refugees currently residing in Pakistan have to obtain the PoR cards, especially those whose cards are expiring on 31st December 2012. The new cards will be issued promptly and they will be valid up to 31st December, 2015. It is mandatory to obtain the new cards, and these cards are free, as there is no cost associated with them. The renewal of PoR cards for Afghan refugees will start in the February and there will be 34 centers from where these cards can be obtained. If you want to find out more information regarding this, all you have to do is to send an SMS to the number 7000 after writing your PoR card number. You need to keep in perspective that only the family head is eligible to obtain the card. One very important thing to note down here is that in ordepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8052535515647974672 Pakistani Blog Posts


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