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From the Blog ashrafiya [image: burning-heart] A seeker wrote,'For a while I am feeling a soreness or a burning sensation over the heart (*qalb*). All the time I feel like something is creeping (there). Till now I thought it might be a medical ailment. However, now I inform you and inquire that is it something detrimental or beneficial for me. Hakim al-Umma Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) replied, 'Sometimes this burning sensation is due to the effects of (excessive) remembrance (*dhikr*). And at other times it is due to (physical) disease. Firstly, consult a physician. If he rules out medical condition then use the following regimen, 1. Abandon *jahar* (hearable voice) and *zarb *(the imaginary drub) in* dhikr* . 2. On completion of the (daily) dhikr recite يا باسط one thouspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3116215705242506380 Pakistani Blog Posts


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