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Itazura Na Kiss… Something wrong with everything

From the blog accordingtomarium Warning! This is a *HATE *post and* may contain spoilers* about the fore mentioned series. Read at your own disposal. [image: Anime-Romania-image-anime-romania-36474991-1024-768] *sigh* Itazura na kiss, where do i start? So i had been hearing a lot of my otaku friends going on about how sweet and adorable this anime was for a while now and as much of a sucker for a good shoujo anime i am, i could not resist not checking it out for myself and so i did. And so i regretted it. Immensely, to add. This is what *MAL* has to say about INK, ‘*Ever since she entered high school, Kotoko Aihara wanted to be in the same class as Naoki Irie. The only problem is that Irie is the smartest student in school contrast to Kotoko being one of the dumbest. Now in her 3rd year of high school, she pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Karachi — the police state?

From the blog pakistannrectifiedguy[image: Karachi — the police state?] Karachi — the police state? *By Ammad Hafeez* Baluchistan and Karachi, both provincial entities have beheld ‘deadly bloodbath’ in past eras. Recently, after Baluchistan, the fresh wave of bloodshed has hit the streets of Karachi. Former capital of the country, Karachi and its dwellers has been facing deplorable conditions since the year of 1947. Ayub Khan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Benazir, Nawaz and Zardari, all the non-Karachi actors, had played their roles to transform the city of lights into *‘a dreadful city’*. Karachi is the only city which has experienced “extra-judicial killings” on many instances. The infamous 92-operation is considered as one of the nightmares for Karachiets. We all know, how did government patronize the death-squad ofpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Garnier Skin Naturals BB Cream - Miracle Skin Perfector

From the blog fakhrarafiqueAs everybody knew that BB fever is still in air, and females are adding BB creams in their daily routine. Why? let me share my own experiences. :) I will not touch its history except BB stand for Blemish Balm. In Pakistan, when Garnier Introudced BB Cream, it Immediately got attention and become famous beauty product in 2013. What Company Claim about this product: This BB cream uses a 5 in 1 technology with a long term care plus a touch of makeup for an immediate perfect skin in one gesture. Its unique Oil-free formula specially designed for oily skin is enriched with ultra-absorbing perfectile and mineral pigments. It mattifies non stop, reduces pores and imperfections, boosts healthy glow, moisturized and protects the skin from UV through its filers SPF 20. A miraclepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Makran is a beautiful country

From the blog odysseuslahori On 26 Jan I was northbound out of Karachi along the old RCD Highway. At Uthal we turned west. FWO, the builders of the new Makran Coastal Highway, call this spot Zero Point and the road is designated N-10 in the grand scheme of National Highways Authority. Agore, before the highway was laid out, was as remote as a village could ever be in Makran. But now despite having stopped at the mud volcanoes, we made it in a few hours. The landscape at the volcanoes was as surreal and eerie as ever. A bleak landscape of small tufts of withered grass, a flat, featureless sky, and, once we left the highway, not a sign of human intervention. In this dream world, the three cones rising out of the flatness were other worldly. In another country, this would be a spa with thousands of tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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