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In Search Of An Opposition

From the Blog aikbaat Dharnas, rallies and other assorted forms of protest make for good TV. That is all they are… Good TV. Unfortunately Pakistan needs a lot more than good TV right now. Pakistan needs an opposition; an actual living, breathing, functioning, rational, kick ass opposition instead of a bunch of rag tag egomaniacal twat armies. Fact is the political and social realities have changed significantly in the last 15 years or so. The populism of the 90s is over and done with. What we have now is a smarter and more demanding set of voters who make choices based on the net benefit they gain from doing something. So they vote mostly based on the benefit they will achieve instead of voting on ideological lines. This means the voters are more rational now than they have ever been. This also meanpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Celebrating A Pashtun legend: Khan Abdul Ghani Khan

From the Blog sesapzaiI received this great email in this listserv (Pashtun Peace Forum [PPF]) that I am currently a part of, and … Continue reading » pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7588605318240778681 Pakistani Blog Posts


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