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Respect is key to get into Self

From the Blog islamicspiritualismIn the spiritual journey, one has to stand by his mentor. In Asian stream, this mentor is know as PEER. This mentor knows all the hardships of way, all the tasks to be accomplished, all new horizons opening ahead and all the negativity coming across to let the follower go away from his path of truth and his journey of self. This implies to a teacher-student relationship between mentor and his follower. But there is a remarkable difference too. In spirituality or Sufism, this relation carries everything because mentor himself has to give you what ever you are destined to get. So the follower is to stand up and be counted when ever comes the tie to be counted. Respect is of extreme importance here. Because the hardships coming across the way, negativity prevailing around self at spakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6937417828803146347 Pakistani Blog Posts


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