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Colette on Writing

From the Blog beanbagtales *"We cannot paint a beloved face without passionately distorting it - and who speaks willingly of the things that belong to real love? But we can catch and hold - with words or with the brush - the crimson flush of dying leaves, the green of a meteor against the blue night, a moment of dawn, a catastrophe...Pictures which of themselves have no sense or depth, but which we invest with meaning or sharp foreboding - they bear forever the stamp of some particular year, mark the end of some mistake or the culmination of a spell of prosperity. For that reason no one of us can ever swear that he has painted, contemplated, described in vain". * *( My Mother's House - Colette)* January 28th was Colette's birthday. Read about her novella The Cat here on the blog. Image: Google pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3977015098080125905 Pakistani Blog Posts


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