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The long wait in Xinjiang

From the Blog odysseuslahoriEver since I first heard the name back in the mid 1980s, I was mystified by it: why should Kashgar, a few thousand kilometres from the nearest ocean, have a hotel called Seamen's? It was actually Seman (with a nasal ending) which ended up wrongly spelled in some shoddy guide book and thus passed into tourists' usage. There are actually two of the same name, both multi-storeyed, facing each other across a wide street. Taking a room in the older one which has the old Russian Consulate in its backyard, I called Keyoum Mohammad of Kashgar Mountaineering Adventures with whom I had corresponded from Lahore. The old quarter of Kashgar as seen from the north. Strangely, pictures dating back to the 1880s do not show a town on a high mound, but one flush with the flat ground. The Chinese pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3407951950736375457 Pakistani Blog Posts


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