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Chocolate Biscotti

From the Blog bakerscanvasHello world! (That comes from the first lines of code I ever wrote doing BSCS). I have been AWOL for long. Business school was hectic (or so I pretend it to be), I wasn't cooking at times when taking pictures would be feasible, mostly I wasn't cooking or baking at all. Now that business school is over, I have cleared all my exams and have completed my degree, I am making an effort to revive this sleeping blog (only that blogs don't need a prince charming to wake them up, they need an enthusiastic writer). To revive the blog, I had to take something which I truly love - chocolate. I baked chocolate biscotti. Biscotti is an Italian twice baked cookie. These cookies are baked, cut into oblong slices when hot and then baked again to make them dry and chewy-crispy. Biscotti is servedpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4799123312547306452 Pakistani Blog Posts


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