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When Thoughts start getting streamlined !!!

From the Blog islamicspiritualism Mind is a platform where hundreds and thousands of thoughts come, gather, have chit chat and vanish away. But the point is that all of them are scattered. These are about different topics, different time and different horizons. But all of them are some way or other concerned to our main stream life paradigm. These are important too. But the thing which start making a difference in our life is the point or that specific moment when these thoughts start getting streamlined. This is a point where our ideological basis had been firm enough to hold specific horizon for us, to make things clear enough to make decisions for ourselves, to make the life something cherish able and above all to make us unidirectional. Direction is much important when you have to bring about some change, pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Lala's Wedding Week

From the Blog usmanbinahmedReblogged from Randomlyabstract's Blog: Hiiii. You know Lala Rukh, don't you? She's one of the kindest, prettiest, super-awesome-st bloggers here on Wordpress. ;) And talented of course. NOBODY can write half as scary, romantic, poetic, or making-you-hungry-just-by-looking-at-them posts as her. … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8605447645991597392 Pakistani Blog Posts


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