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Lala's Wedding Week

From the Blog randomlyabstract [image: lr_invite]*Hiiii.* *You know Lala Rukh, don't you? She's one of the kindest, prettiest, super-awesome-st bloggers here on WordPress. [image: ;)] And talented of course. NOBODY can write half as scary, romantic, poetic, or making-you-hungry-just-by-looking-at-them posts as her. [image: :)] * *So she's getting married. * *And this is to let her know how truly special she is. You're all invited to celebrate along *virtually* by sending in your wishes (and words) tomorrow: Sunday January 26th and hopefully this entire week!* *Wear your best outfits, kay?* Filed under: 2014, By the roaring waves! pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3729489946133154512 Pakistani Blog Posts


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