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Minion Hat

From the Blog ummeyusuf These days, my toddler is quite fond of minions (of the Despicable Me animated movies). At some movement of overwhelming maternal affection, I promised her a minion hat a couple of weeks ago. So this had to be the project marking my post-partum recovery. I used this pattern for the basic hat pattern (it is an awesome pattern by the way, and I was much tempted to cast-on an actual fair-isle version) and improvised with all the minion components. I am happy to have fulfilled my promised and my daughter is happy to have a "min" hat, which she would much rather hold and look at, than put on her head... pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Arab conquest of Sindh

From the Blog odysseuslahoriThe common misconception is that, because he attacked Debal (Bhambore) on the seaboard, Mohammad bin Qasim (MbQ) came by sea leading an armada. This fallacy came up again when my friend Husain Qazi returned recently from a road trip in Makran. Among his collection of images is one of a sign declaring a cluster of graves "Tombs of the soldiers of Mohammad bin Qasim … ". This sign sits near village Aghor in the lower reach of the Hingol River, about 10 kilometres (km) upstream of the river's mouth. The ruinous tombs are crafted with slabs of worked sandstone in the same style as the Chaukundi tombs of Sindh — tombs that can also be found at several sites in adjacent parts of Balochistan. I do not know who caused that sign to be put up but whoever he is, he clearly is a moronic pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

40 Tutorials And Tools That Will Make You A CSS3 Master

From the Blog smashingapps Having a tough time in learning CSS? Well, not to worry as here we are presenting 40 excellent and extremely useful tutorials, tricks as well as some tools to make you a CSS3 master. With these resources, you can develop your CSS3 skills and can bring them into your work. Without any further ado, here we are presenting a list of 40 awesome tutorials and tricks to help you become a CSS master and along with them you will also find some tools to help you with CSS. Here is the full collection after the jump. We hope that you will enjoy this collection. Feel free to share your opinions with us via comment section below. Enjoy! Tutorials *Make a Stopwatch Using CSS3* This tutorial focuses on step based CSS3 keyframe animation, along with the usage of the animation-play-state propepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1110079013027454810 Pakistani Blog Posts


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