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A Shambles

From the Blog iabhopal With Al-Qaeda affiliates wreaking havoc in Iraq, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham seem to lament that no US troops are on the scene to get in on the action. McCain and Graham, who never saw an opportunity for US military intervention they didn't like, continue to operate under the absurd illusion that American politicians and bureaucrats can micromanage something as complex as a foreign society. Their hubris knows no bounds, but, then, they never pay the price for their foolishness. Who pays? The Americans they cheer off to war, but even more so, the people in foreign lands who are on the receiving end of American intervention. If you haven't noticed, American foreign policy is a shambles. Iraq and Afghanistan are engulfed in violence, and their corrupt, authoritarian pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Musharraf's trial and Pakistan

From the Blog beenasarwar[image: Musharraf and the famous fist. Photo T. Mughal/EPA] Musharraf and the famous fist. Photo T. Mughal/EPA *Below, my (un-populist) take on the Musharraf treason trial, in an opinion piece published in International Business Times, London, Jan 23, 2014. N.B. The recent attack on the bus in Mastung, Balochistan, that killed some 30 Hazara Shia Muslims, including women and children returning from pilgrimage in Iran is an example of the result of Musharraf's policies of letting the home-grown 'jihadis' function. Plus I forgot to mention his role in the murder of Akbar Bugti…* *Why Pakistan's Future Hinges on Musharraf's Trial* *By Beena Sarwar* The trial of Gen Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's former army chief and its last military dictator, is likely to shape the future directpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8521830013860452394 Pakistani Blog Posts


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