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The Alienated Groom

From the Blog awaisaftabMore than 5 years ago, I wrote about my perception of weddings in Pakistani society: "The ceremony has become more about appeasing the society than about celebrating the union of two people. [The wedding] has lost its purpose in this manner, and hence it is not surprising that the feeling which I have most markedly noticed while attending any [wedding] is that of absurdity. Weddings have never been enjoyable for me, even as a child. Perhaps because the wedding ceremony appears to me to be the perfect example of the superficialities and hypocrisies of our culture; it has become a symbol for me of whatever I hate about our society." It is only fair that I should approach my own wedding now with the same marked sense of absurdity. Aside from that, there is also in my own case, a dpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4954236872314247694 Pakistani Blog Posts


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