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Punjabi Elite and Armed Forces: is there a Connection?

From the Blog pakteahouse *M*ost of the political developments in Pakistan involve armed forces and also Punjab’s politicians as Punjab is the most populous province. Some or the other, a narrative has developed which links Punjab and armed forces (who mostly hail from Punjab) in a conspiring role. Even now as President Zardari is having political problems, several journalists are calling it a conspiracy of Punjab, hatched with the support of armed forces, against smaller provinces. So does such a linkage exist? Can we establish with certainty that army is nothing except an armed wing whose sole existence is to ensure Punjab’s dominance? Does the army systematically and more importantly INTENTIONALLY safeguard Punjab’s interest or army is merely protecting and promoting its institutional interestpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Options other than failed war on terror in Pakistan

From the Blog united4justice Fake liberals (In actual sectarian and social class fascists) and troop worshipers often say that there are no other options than war. They forget the fact that their decade old war is the main reason behind the formation of TTP type groups which were not there before this war. There are still many options other than war like: a) First taking back bases from USA and come out of this war. b) Take tribes and groups who are willing for talks on board (after the main motivation of fighting ends due to Pakistan’s coming out of this war) c) After tribes and groups who are willing to talk come on board for peace then deal with the groups who are not willing to talk after looking into their individual motivations. d) Once it is established that a group has some criminal or sectarian pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7528752570348418803 Pakistani Blog Posts


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