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My Brother, My Hero

From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* Barely two weeks ago, my brother, Arush, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma – a type of cancer which affects the body's lymphatic system. From August onwards, he developed a nagging flu-like cough. A cough he dismissed and refused to take medication for. But on one evening in early October, his cough sounded so severe that he sounded as if he was going to cough up his insides. It sounded frightening. From thereon he went through a series of tests. My family and I were expecting Tuberculosis (TB), we were so sure of it. I'd never even heard of Hodgkin's till my mother one evening, in private, told me to be prepared for the worst as she briefed me about the disease. I couldn't accept it. "Mama please, trust me, it's TB okay? I know it. It'll take three monthpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3034953237440363257 Pakistani Blog Posts


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