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The differences

From the Blog ashrafiya . [image: 20131130-111935.jpg] An individual reported how differently the *takbirat* in *salah* are done and how lax religious leaders are regarding keeping a full beard here. *Sayyidi* wa *sanadi* Shaikh Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah bless him with a long, healthy and productive *pur*-'*afiyet* life, Amin!) replied, 'These are differences in etiquettes (*aadaab*). There should be no prohibition (*nakeer*) on the issues that are differed upon by the Imams (*mujtahideen*). An individual inquired that these days in our communities (Pakistan-India) first thing by which we judge an individual's religious persuasion is their appearance (beard, dress, etc.). Is this correct? *Sayyidi wa sanadi* strongly disapproved of it. He said, 'All things must be kept at their level (fiqh hierarchypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1277883760532418932 Pakistani Blog Posts


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