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Aaye Hath Uthain Ham Bhi by Haroon ur Rasheed

From the Blog columnpkLatest Article / Urdu Column of Haroon ur Rasheed Published in Daily Dunya Newspaper Pakistan, 29 November 2013.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Intel Honors Teachers and Schools with Awards

From the Blog reporterpk [image: Intel]Intel Pakistan today organized the Intel Education Awards Ceremony in Lahore, under the Intel Education Initiative, to recognize the impressive performance in technology integration by teachers and schools across Pakistan. Present at the occasion was the Secretary of School Education Department, Mr. Abdul Jabbar Shaheen as the chief guest. Of all the participants in the Intel Teach Program contest, 15 won awards, in recognition of their accomplishments in implementing technology to promote inquiry-based learning. "Intel has made concrete, consistent efforts for recognizing the teachers and schools taking part in this initiative and rewarding them for their considerable efforts in highlighting ICT in their classrooms and in turn, facilitating a conducive environmepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 713539559116449231 Pakistani Blog Posts


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