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Understanding Social Capital: Practice and Potential

From the Blog pakteahouse By Safwan A Khan Over the years, the concept of social capital has evolved greatly in the scientific literature and in practice. While there is a traditional setting that perceives social capital as a network of individuals sharing values, norms, and cultures, and thereby collectively contributing to common causes, the concept has taken a much wider connotation in the highly connected and globalized world of today. Today, social capital encapsulates social networks that go beyond physical interaction of individuals and yet allow collaborative practices for a common cause. Popular social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. provide an excellent example in this regard. The online world also allows for easier expansion of social networks, owing to ease of connpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Don't sweat the small stuff :)

From the Blog mehmudahrehman Originally written for: [image: recovering-perfectionist-e1372253036721.jpg] Image via source Perfectionists are eccentrics in their own special way. They obsess over carefully written lists, they worry about specks of dust behind the telly that somehow escaped their watchful eyes and they secretly hate their own cooking because it's never good enough to meet their standards. They find a true, quiet, internal sort of joy in looking at things such as a perfect manicure, an impeccable outfit, an excellent photograph or a beautifully written piece of literature and revel in its utter flawlessness. Possibly the person who suffers most is they themselves. Their way of dissecting and taking apart theirpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Mistake Twice?

From the Blog iabhopal You can never make a mistake twice Because Second time you make it, It is not a mistake, It is a choice pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2212026638961114113 Pakistani Blog Posts


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